Hexerator design document


Hexerator is a hex editor aiming to aid in pattern recognition and binary file discovery. It also aims to be a good and versatile hex editor usable in a large amount of scenarios, including editing /proc/id/mem and reading streaming sources, making it usable to read piped data.

User interface


A Perspective is a view into a Region with a specific column count.

A variable column count is very helpful for better recognizing certain patterns in data, and is one of the core features of hexerator. A Perspective on its own doesn't really do much. To make use of perspectives, there are Views.


A View is a region on the Viewport that provides a look into the data presented by a perspective. A view can be one of multiple kinds, like hex, ascii, block (pixel, kind of like a minimap), and it's scrollable, allowing you to explore different parts of a perspective. You can have multiple views on the Viewport. There is a focused view that you are currently focused on and scrolling/editing, etc. By default, all views that share the same perspective sync their scroll offsets with the focused view. This behavior can be turned off if independent scrolling is desired.


The Viewport is the area in the window where the Views are laid out. The other things that take up space in the window are the UI panels and windows.



The BinData is the raw binary data opened inside hex editor. It can be opened from a file, or streamed from a streaming source, like a pipe.


A Region is a slice of the BinData. It has a start offset which determines where it begins, and an end offset which determines where it ends.

A Region can be given a name to give it an easy to remember identifier and also help remember what it's about.

It can also have a description which can give further useful information about it.


A Meta is all the metadata about a binary format. It can include things like Regions and Views that aid understanding of a binary format.


To make development easier, and help keep my sanity, hexerator defines some value limits.

File size

The supported file size is min(usize, i64), which is ~4GB on 32 bit platforms, and practically limitless on 64 bit platforms. 16 bit platforms are not supported.

Resolution and mouse position

These are i16, meaning values higher than 32767 are not supported. The minimum supported resolution is 920x620. The ui is not designed and tested for resolutions lower than that.

Block size

A block, or cell (final name not decided) is the element that displays a value. Like a hex pair, an ascii character, etc. The size range is 1..i16::MAX.