
Hexerator is a hex editor with a unique feature set.

Its main focus is to make looking at binary files fun and easier to comprehend, but it also aims to be a good general-purpose hex editor, suitable for a wide range of uses.

Here is what it looks like: screenshot

Click here to get Hexerator!


  • = Planned
  • = Implemented




Colorized values

Colorizing values helps a lot with human pattern recognition. Colorized values

Custom color palettes

Custom color palettes can be saved and loaded, and generated through various means.

Custom palettes

Easy data alignment

Hexerator considers it important to easily align data with shortcut keys. Proper alignment can make a lot of difference with pattern recognition.

Process Memory editing

Built-in support for opening memory of a process and viewing/editing it. Can be used to cheat in games, or discover how different applications store data in memory.

You need to run hexerator with root/admin privileges to open memory of other processes.

Multiple source types

Hexerator supports opening both files and streamed sources like standard input or character devices like /dev/urandom.


Quickly and easily save and access points of interest in the data.

Additional support for setting a type for a bookmark to display and manipulate the data associated with it. Bookmarks

Multiple configurable views

You can have different views into different regions of the same file, with different column counts and other configurable properties.

Lua scripting support

You can write Lua scripts to:

  • Fill a selection
  • Generate a custom color palette
  • More coming in the future

External command support

Support for executing a custom external command on selected data.


There is basic support for showing differences between

  • The current buffer and its source file
  • The current buffer and an arbitrary file
  • The current metadata and the clean metadata
  • Support for more coming in the future

For now diffing is pretty barebones, shown as a list of offsets. It will be better fleshed out in the future

Huge file support through memory mapped files

Huge files that couldn't fit in memory can be opened as memory mapped files through a command line option. To be implemented.



Insertion would complicate implementation, and for most binary data, including process memory, it will just mess up the data.

Memory holes support, generic support for huge data

Originally, I wanted to have a generic mechanism for loading only parts of files, but I found that it would make the implementation way more complex, and possibly inefficient, so I dropped the idea. Huge files will be eventually supported through memory mapped file support.


Hexerator 0.2 released! - 2023-01-27

Check out the release page!

Hexerator 0.1 released! - 2022-09-16

This is the initial release.


Get Hexerator

Note: Hexerator is a work-in-progress. It's not polished and there are bugs. Feedback and bug reports are welcome on the git repository.

The meta file format is also not yet stable, so you might not be able to open your metafile after upgrading to a new version of Hexerator.

You can help by contributing!

The current version is 0.2.0.


Check out the requirements before getting Hexerator.

Prebuilt versions


There are currently no other prebuilt versions.

Building from source

You can follow the instructions here to build Hexerator from source.


Supported platforms

  • Windows 7 or newer
  • Linux

Looking for a Mac OS developer/maintainer!

Hardware requirements

  • A 32 bit or 64 bit CPU. 64 bit is highly recommended, because 32 bit can only open files up to 4 GB large. Additionally, 32 bit support is not being tested right now.

  • A fairly strong GPU that supports OpenGL 2.1+. Hexerator renders using the GPU, and it can render a lot of stuff on the screen at once, making it fairly GPU intensive.

Building from source


  • Up-to-date nightly Rust
  • SFML 2.5
  • A C++ compiler for building some native dependencies (GCC, Clang, MSVC)


  1. Get the latest source zip or tarball from the releases page.
  2. Extract the source somewhere
  3. Make sure you have SFML set up correctly. You might need to set some environment variables.
  4. Ensure you're using an up-to-date nightly rust. Hexerator is using nightly Rust for the time being.
  5. Open up a terminal, and change to the directory where you extracted Hexerator.
  6. Run cargo build --release
  7. There will be a hexerator binary built in the target/release directory.
  8. On windows, you might need to copy over the .dll files from the bin folder of your SFML location. Do this if you're getting .dll related errors. Try copying the .dll files to wherever you will be running Hexerator from.

If you run into trouble you can't seem to solve, you can ask for help at https://github.com/crumblingstatue/hexerator/discussions.

Ui Overview

Open a file either with a command line argument, or by selecting File->Open... from the top menu.

You should be greeted with a sight similar to this:

ui overview

At the top is the menu bar. It contains most actions you can perform. Many actions also have shortcut keys, which are displayed on the right side of the menu buttons.


At the center are the views. Views are the main way you can view and interact with the file you opened. By default, you get 3 views:

  1. A Hex view, which displays data in a hexadecimal format.
  2. A Text view, which makes it easier to recognize text.
  3. A Block view, which can serve as a minimap, or display embedded graphical data.

Interact mode

Hexerator has two interaction modes.

View mode

Press F1 to activate.

This mode is used to navigate around the file in order to discover its contents.

  • The arrow keys scroll the active view, letting you navigate around the file.
  • You can hold down left shift to scroll faster.
  • Page up and Page down keys scroll a page's worth of content.
  • Home and End navigate to the beginning and end of the file respectively.
  • ctrl + Left/Right arrow keys to change the column count of your active perspective.
  • ctrl + Up/Down arrow keys to change the starting offset of your active region.

Edit mode

Press F2 to activate.

This mode is used to edit the file by entering text through the keyboard.

  • The arrow keys move the edit cursor.

Inspect panel

The inspect panel provides multiple interpretations of the data the edit cursor or mouse is pointing at. It can be useful in figuring out what type of data we're dealing with.

Meta overview

In order to understand how to use Hexerator, we'll establish some basic concepts.

What is the Meta?

When you open a file with Hexerator, you're opening a raw binary file. The raw binary file itself doesn't dictate how a hex editor should display it, or how to interpret the raw binary data contained within. Instead, it's up to the user to figure out all that stuff. The Meta contains all the information on how to meaningfully interpret and display the data. It can also contain various notes and discoveries made by the user.

Meta components


Regions are the most basic metadata. They are used to mark regions of the file that are meaningfully different. For example an executable might contain a header, executable code, and data. These could be marked as 3 different regions in Hexerator.

The default region is the entire file.

You can select Meta->Regions from the top menu, or press F8 to bring up a list of regions, and create new ones.

In order to create a new region, you first need to make a selection.


Perspectives tell Hexerator how to align the data, by setting the number of columns used to display them. Each perspective has an associated region.

You can press ctrl + Left and ctrl + Right arrow keys in View mode to adjust the column count for the current perspective.

Additionally, perspectives have a special mode to flip the row order, to display rows upside down. This is useful because sometimes things like images are stored upside down in binary files. Weird, I know.

You can select Perspective->Perspectives from the top menu, or press F7 to bring up a list of perspectives, and create new ones.


Views are the windows through which data is viewed and interacted with. Each view has an associated perspective. Views that share the same perspective scroll together. So if the hex view of a perspective is scrolled, the text and block views scroll along with it.

Currently there are 4 basic types of views

  • Hex
  • Decimal
  • Text
  • Block

You can right click a view and select View properties... to look at and change the properties of a view.

You can also select View->Views from the top menu, or press F6 to bring up a list of views, and create new views.


Layouts are groups of views that are displayed together. You can create multiple layouts that show different places in the file in different ways.

A layout consists of one or more rows, and each row can contain one or more view. Hexerator will try to lay out the views in a sensible manner, based on the row and column they belong to.

The default layout is a Hex view, a Text view, and a Block view side by side.

You can select View->Layouts from the top menu, or press F5 to bring up a list of layouts, and edit the current layout, or add new ones.


Bookmarks are places of interest in the data at various offsets. They can also additionally be assigned a data type, which allows them to show a handle to the data at their offset, which shows the value and allows it to be edited.

You can select Meta->Bookmarks from the top menu, or press F9 to show a list of bookmarks, and add new ones.

You can also right click a location in a view, and select Add bookmark.

Basic operations

A-B select

Click somewhere in a view to set the cursor to that location. You can then press shift+1 in View mode to set the A point of a selection, and shift+2 to set the B point of a selection. Once you have both an A and a B point, the selection is the region spanning A and B.

Once you have a selection, you can do various things with it.

  • Add a region by right clicking, and selecting Add region as selection
  • Fill using the fill options in the Edit menu
  • Run an external command on the selection using Edit->External command...
  • Unselect with Esc

Select all

You can select everything in a view with Edit->Select all in view or Ctrl+A.

Other operations

Documentation is a work-in-progress. Use the top menu to discover the kinds of things you can do in Hexerator! Also don't be afraid to right-click stuff. Right clicking things might reveal additional operations you can do.

Command line API

Hexerator aims to support a wide variety of use cases, so it exposes a lot of different options.

Here is the help generated by hexerator --help:


    hexerator [OPTIONS] [FILE]

    <FILE>    The file to read

    -h, --help                     Print help information
        --hard-seek <HARD_SEEK>    Seek to offset, consider it beginning of the file in the editor
    -j <JUMP>                      Jump to offset on startup
        --meta <META>              Load this metafile
        --read-only                Open file as read-only, without writing privileges
        --recent                   Open most recently used file
        --stream                   Specify source as a streaming source (for example, standard
                                   streams). Sets read-only attribute
        --take <TAKE>              Read only this many bytes

Hexerator design document


Hexerator is a hex editor aiming to aid in pattern recognition and binary file discovery. It also aims to be a good and versatile hex editor usable in a large amount of scenarios, including editing /proc/id/mem and reading streaming sources, making it usable to read piped data.

User interface


A Perspective is a view into a Region with a specific column count.

A variable column count is very helpful for better recognizing certain patterns in data, and is one of the core features of hexerator. A Perspective on its own doesn't really do much. To make use of perspectives, there are Views.


A View is a region on the Viewport that provides a look into the data presented by a perspective. A view can be one of multiple kinds, like hex, ascii, block (pixel, kind of like a minimap), and it's scrollable, allowing you to explore different parts of a perspective. You can have multiple views on the Viewport. There is a focused view that you are currently focused on and scrolling/editing, etc. By default, all views that share the same perspective sync their scroll offsets with the focused view. This behavior can be turned off if independent scrolling is desired.


The Viewport is the area in the window where the Views are laid out. The other things that take up space in the window are the UI panels and windows.



The BinData is the raw binary data opened inside hex editor. It can be opened from a file, or streamed from a streaming source, like a pipe.


A Region is a slice of the BinData. It has a start offset which determines where it begins, and an end offset which determines where it ends.

A Region can be given a name to give it an easy to remember identifier and also help remember what it's about.

It can also have a description which can give further useful information about it.


A Meta is all the metadata about a binary format. It can include things like Regions and Views that aid understanding of a binary format.


To make development easier, and help keep my sanity, hexerator defines some value limits.

File size

The supported file size is min(usize, i64), which is ~4GB on 32 bit platforms, and practically limitless on 64 bit platforms. 16 bit platforms are not supported.

Resolution and mouse position

These are i16, meaning values higher than 32767 are not supported. The minimum supported resolution is 920x620. The ui is not designed and tested for resolutions lower than that.

Block size

A block, or cell (final name not decided) is the element that displays a value. Like a hex pair, an ascii character, etc. The size range is 1..i16::MAX.


Hexerator welcomes contributions!

The repository is on GitHub

There is also a Discussions page that can be used for both help and ideas, as well as general discussion.

See Build from source if you want to contribute code to Hexerator and want to build it from source.